Fly fishing for redfish
Fly fishing for redfish

fly fishing for redfish

They range all along the coast from south Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and even up to South Carolina. Food and cooler water temps will bring these fish into shallow waters where they can be caught on flies in two feet of water or even on top water poppers. This coastal fish can be found in deeper saltwater, but are more fun when they move into the brackish marshes. Drums get their name because of the “drumming” noise that males make when attracting mates or when under stress. Redfish is another name for a Red Drum (Sciaenops Ocellatus.) It’s actually a close cousin of the Black Drum, which you can often find swimming in the same area. But are you more likely to get those big Bulls in December? “True Dat!” Redfish Basics However, the weather is definitely more volatile from January on. It turns out Reds are available and catchable from September – May due to the colder water temperatures. We’ve found this is not necessarily the case. If the number of migrating guides you will find heading back towards south Florida at the end of the year are any indication, you might think that December is the end of Louisiana’s prime Redfish season where you can regularly find Reds 20 pounds and larger. If you want a quick, yet exciting saltwater fishing trip before the end of the year, Louisiana is the place to go. These days, fly fishermen are not only pounding the local tailwaters in sub-freezing conditions, but they are also spending a lot of time searching the internet for plane tickets to places like Honolulu, Christmas Island, Belize, and of course, Louisiana. In the old days the best thing you could do in December was tie flies for next season. Like any other fishing trip you go on, make sure to take plenty of saltwater flies for redfish as you never know what type of fishing situation you will get yourself into when you arrive at your destination.It’s odd that December has become one of the most important months for fly fishermen. You will see this happen quite often during the fall. These saltwater flies for redfish are a great fly to fish when redfish are crashing thru schools of bait. Redfish fly patterns like clouser minnows and redfish minnows will always get the job done.

fly fishing for redfish

These are among the best redfish flies for sale as they pack a lot of protein. It is also to have a good selection of baitfish patterns as well when fly fishing for redfish. These redfish fly patterns usually have a barred appearance to them, mimicking how a natural shrimp looks. It’s an ideal fly to fish over oyster beds and on ocean side flats and estuaries. When saltwater fly fishing redfish, this allows the fly to sink slowly and be very durable. Typically, these redfish flies will be tied out of a synthetic material like supreme hair and will be coated with epoxy. Saltwater shrimp flies are also among the best redfish flies. Having a good selection of these will help you to fish in these different depths which is imperative when saltwater fly fishing redfish. Dressing these flies up with rubber legs and krystal flash is a smart idea as well, as it adds extra fish attracting power to them. Some redfish flies have bead chain eyes that will land softly and sink slowly, while ones with lead eyes will land a little harder but sink much faster. The deeper the fish are, the faster you will want your fly to sink. They will also be tied with different eyes depending on how deep the fish you are casting too are located in. The best redfish flies in this category will be tied in a variety of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Crabs are a major food source for these fish. The first of these, and probably the most popular, are crab flies. Redfish flies, like lots of other saltwater species, are composed of three main food groups that these fish like to eat. They are not super spooky, and usually allow anglers to get in to close casting range without being alarmed. They will usually eat a well-placed fly with reckless abandon and can even be caught on topwater flies for redfish. Saltwater fly fishing for redfish is a lot of fun! Redfish are strong, hearty, and fight really good.

Fly fishing for redfish